D R A G O N   B O A T


Originating from China over 2,000 years ago, dragon boat is a competitive racing sport involving 20 paddlers in a long canoe, with one caller and one steersperson, working collaboratively to move the boat faster than the surrounding competiton. Dragon boat not only requires strength and endurance, but synchronization and team work. In modern times, it has become the fastest growing international water sport with competitions known as "dragon boat festivals" being held all around the world.


We are a competitive collegiate dragon boat team consisting of students from the University of California, Irvine. Originally founded in 2003 under the Chinese Association as K.I.D.s (Krazy Irvine Dragons) and then Paddle Rangers the following year, the team officially became known as the UCI Elements in 2005. The team eventually branched off from the Chinese Association to become recognized as an official club sport on campus.

We represent three elements: thunder, for the drive that we have to succeed; wind, for the freedom that we feel on the boat; and fire, for the passion that moves us. With each race and training season, we constantly strive to achieve new heights on and off the water. We are a team that values camarederie, passion, and dedication. As a tight-knit family, our team inspires each other to not only work hard in the gym, on the water, and in school, but to bond as teammates and close friends.